Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Last Real "P-Day" Hopefully

From the January 29th email:

Alright this might be a little short since I'm gonna go grab some
lunch.  Not too many new things happen this week so that's good!

I got to host missionaries Wednesday, and I am hosting again tomorrow. 
It was really fun being able to help them get around and stuff.  I dont
remember being as scared as they were tho haha.  There was one time
when a big family got out and they seemed happy.  Then they all started
crying and a little girl came up and asked me if I would take care of
her older sister.  So that was fun..It's pretty weird how long I've
been gone.  Almost at the 2 month mark.

Still no word on the visas.  I do know I will be out of here by the 5th
or 6h tho.  This wendesday or thursday I will have a temporary place
that I will be reassigned to go to just in case my visa doesnt get here
by next week.  They are doing this because they need the room here so
they need us out by our departure dates.  We've been told chances are
if we do get reassigned it will be somewhere close because they expect
our visas to come very soon.  Once it comes, I will need to return here
and sign my visa infront of the consulate.

But it's all good!  My visa will be here soon.  The Spain consulate has
even guaranteed spain missionaries coming to the MTC in the future are
guaranteed their visa before their departure dates.  So it will be less
than a month AT MOST before I get to Spain.  I see this as a blessing,
because now I can eat some fast food before I leave for Barcelona. 
Most missionaries miss friends and family...i miss food.  Kidding!  I
miss you all very much.  Thank you all so much for your support, it
really helps me work harder knowing I have so many great friends and
family cheering me on!  Next week I should be on a plane.  My parents
will know in the next couple days my fate, so ask them if you are

Elder Sharkey

Posing again. The nose is good! Whew!
waiting.....check out the nose!  It looks okay!
in the hall
The guy in the yellow is Dayna's boyfriend!
in class

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